Blake Lively, known for her impeccable fashion sense and iconic style, recently graced the cover of Vogue’s September 2024 issue, channeling her inner cat burglar in a photoshoot directed by Baz Luhrmann. The theme of the spread was inspired by the classic film “To Catch a Thief,” and Lively was seen sporting a stunning Cartier necklace previously owned by the legendary Elizabeth Taylor. The necklace, featuring exquisite Burmese rubies set in platinum and 18k gold, was a gift from Taylor’s then-husband Mike Todd in 1957.
In a series of movie-like shots, Lively exudes elegance and sophistication as she showcases the iconic accessory. From scaling buildings in a Balenciaga catsuit to dazzling at a casino in a golden LaQuan Smith dress, Lively’s portrayal of a stylish cat burglar captured the essence of Old Hollywood glamour. The necklace, once worn by Elizabeth Taylor herself, added a touch of vintage sophistication to the modern editorial.
During an interview with Vogue, Lively expressed her awe at wearing Elizabeth Taylor’s actual necklace, emphasizing the surreal experience of donning such a historic piece of jewelry. The legacy of the necklace, as seen in home videos of Taylor modeling it by a pool in Monte Carlo, highlights its timeless beauty and significance in the world of fashion and luxury. Despite the tragic loss of Mike Todd in 1958, Taylor cherished the necklace throughout her life, even wearing it to a tribute concert for Michael Jackson in 2001.
The Cartier necklace, with its rich history and exquisite craftsmanship, became a symbol of elegance and luxury both in Taylor’s time and in Lively’s modern interpretation. The necklace’s auction by Christie’s in 2011, where it sold for a staggering $3,778,500, further solidified its status as a coveted and iconic piece of jewelry. Lively’s portrayal of a stylish cat burglar in the Vogue shoot breathed new life into the necklace, showcasing its enduring beauty and allure to a new generation of fashion enthusiasts.
As Lively continues to make waves in the fashion world with her daring style choices, the revival of Elizabeth Taylor’s iconic necklace serves as a poignant reminder of the timelessness of iconic fashion pieces. From red carpet appearances to high-profile events, Lively’s appreciation for historic jewelry pieces like Taylor’s necklace underscores the importance of preserving and celebrating the legacy of fashion icons from the past. As she attends premieres and events in vintage couture pieces, Lively pays homage to the glamour and sophistication of Old Hollywood while embracing her own unique style and fashion-forward sensibility.
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